Games-Based Learning Virtual Conference
June 6-8, 2025
All Registration Levels Include:
ALL Recorded Sessions
ALL Live Sessions
ALL Live Networking Sessions
Forever Access to Recordings
Discount Schedule
Price: $197 | Expires: Thursday April 3, 2025 at 11:59pm (ET)
Price: $207 | Expires: Thursday April 10, 2025 at 11:59pm (ET)
Price: $217 | Expires: Thursday April 17, 2025 at 11:59pm (ET)
Price: $227 | Expires: Thursday April 24, 2025 at 11:59pm (ET)
Price: $237 | Expires: Thursday May 1, 2025 at 11:59pm (ET)
Price: $247 | Expires: Thursday May 8, 2025 at 11:59pm (ET)
Price: $257 | Expires: Thursday May 15, 2025 at 11:59pm (ET)
Price: $267 | Expires: Thursday May 22, 2025 at 11:59pm (ET)
Price: $277 | Expires: Thursday May 29, 2025 at 11:59pm (ET)
Regular Registration Price: $297
Presenters for the Games-Based Learning Virtual Conference 2025

28 Presenters for 24 Sessions!
Michael 'Maxx' Schmitz, Richard Durham, Kevin Bottomley, Scott Beattie, Carroll Cradock, Erik Zornik, Claire Muselman, Victoria Banks, Olive Perry, Andrew Blick, Scott Nicholson, Jim Egan, Raymond Kimball, Amber Sewell, Christopher Stuart, Elizabeth Leininger, Kevin Jennings, Naomi Pariseault, Ryan Schaaf, Mikolaj Sobocinski, Cristina Wildermuth, Thomas Biedermann, Nathan Wells, Arsene Yades, Nipat Chaiworramukkun, Maggie Wildermuth, Katrin Becker, and Mary-Ellen Fimbel (listed in no particular order)
Types of Events
Recorded Sessions
Pre-recorded lecture-style presentations that deliver information in a structured format.
Duration: 20–30 minutes

Live Networking
An interactive opportunity to connect with fellow conference attendees and presenters in real time.
Duration: 30–45 minutes

Live Sessions
Real-time discussions or presentations where multiple participants actively engage with one another.
Duration: 30–45 minutes

Conference Recordings and Access
All conference content (except for live networking sessions) will be recorded and transcribed. All registered conference attendees will have access to the recordings and transcriptions of all conference activities indefinitely!

The Games-Based Learning Virtual Conference (GBLVC) is an annual three day virtual event hosted by the Games-Based Learning Alliance (GBLA) and University XP.

Conference Purpose
The purpose of the GBLVC is to connect academics, educators, designers, researchers, creators, and professionals in a space and time to share best practices using games, gamification, games-based learning, serious games, and applied games for teaching, training, education, and development.
Conference History
The conference debuted for the first time in April 2021 Since then, it has been hosted annually. Every year the Games-Based Learning Virtual Conference has featured various sessions presented by experts in industry and academia. Last year, topics covered innovative approaches to integrating games into education and learning environments, discussions on storytelling games for low-resource classrooms, frameworks for aligning game selection with pedagogy, and essential habits for effective game designers.

Crescent Loom
A game for teaching neural circuits and behaviorSaturday, June 7, 2025 2:00 – 3:00pm (ET)Crescent Loom uses simulated circuits to teach neurophysiology concepts and techniques. Players assemble the bones, joints, and muscles of an underwater creature and bring it to life by weaving small motor circuits out of various biophysically simulated neurons and synaptic connections. In this workshop, the creator of Crescent Loom will present an overview of the game and its development journey from its crowdfunding campaign in 2016 to its implementation in classrooms across the US as educational contexts evolved due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Session attendees will be able to play along in-browser. We will also discuss the challenges of sustaining a free educational game over many years as the underlying technology continues to shift.Session Keywords:
simulations, educational games, neuroscience, crowdfunding
Olive Perry
Game Developer
Olive is a game developer based in Portland, OR. She graduated from Reed College in 2013 and has been independently making games, educational and not, since then.

(YouTube): https://www.youtube.com/@wickbox
(Website): https://wick.works/
(Other): https://bsky.app/profile/wick.works
Elizabeth Leininger
Associate Professor
Saint Mary's College of Maryland

Liz Leininger is a neuroscientist and STEM Education researcher. As a neuroethologist, she studies how African Clawed Frogs have evolved species- and sex-specific vocalizations. More recently, she has launched a research program in Neuroscience education to understand how neurophysiology simulations such as Crescent Loom can help students learn concepts related to neuroscience. She has also published on how to teach information literacy in neuroscience, how to teach topics of sex and gender in neuroscience, and how to illuminate the "hidden curriculum" in STEM education.Social Media: (Website): https://inside.smcm.edu/directory/elizabeth-leininger
(Other): https://bsky.app/profile/ecleininger.bsky.social
Erik Zornik
Reed College

Erik is a neuroscientist with a broad interest in understanding how brains generate behaviors. His research primarily investigates how neurons and neural circuits generate vocal behaviors of the African clawed frog, Xenopus laevis. Much of his early research employed electrical recordings of vocal neurons, and has more recently integrated genomic and computational approaches. Erik's teaching focuses on giving students hands-on understanding how neurons work, using both real-life and simulated neurons.

Dungeons, Dragons, and Discourse
DnD Game Design for Ludic EducationSaturday, June 7, 2025⋅8:00 – 9:00pm (ET)As an educator in higher academia, I have explored how rhetorical nature of play can be used to engage students in a classroom, tap them into their creativity, connect them through shared goals, create a tangible progression through learning objectives, and provide agency over their experience in the class room. After refining my English composition course, my class now includes character creation and customization, special abilities that students can use for their learning styles, bounty boards of optional tasks, levels that build toward major assignments and boss battles against Dragons, side quests, prizes, and more. This experience has come with trial and error, but I'll be sharing what students responded most positively to in the ludic education design, and what patches I had to add along the way. Join me in this discourse to share your experience or learn ways you can adopt similar game design to your courses.Session Keywords:
Dungeons and Dragons, DnD, game-based learning, gamification, character customization, level design
Victoria Banks
Graduate Student Teacher of Record
Clemson University, SC, USA
Rhetoric, Communication, and Information Design PhD Student
Specialization: interactive narrative design, ludology, and rhetoric of games

Forging Higher-Order Thinking Skills with Game-Based Learning
Designing Games with Skill Acquisition in mindSunday, June 8, 2025⋅11:00am – 12:00pm (ET)This presentation is divided into two parts. The first will cover my 2023 doctoral dissertation, in which I interviewed eight professional serious game designers to discuss how to build games compatible with the development of Higher-order thinking skills (HOTS). The second part, which will last roughly 15 minutes, will be an open discussion of the audience's impressions and thoughts about the aforementioned topic. Game-based learning has shown great promise in enhancing traditional classroom teaching. Researchers have pointed out that GBL is often connected with fun, excitement, active learning, and penetrating learning experiences. That said, the principles of Game-Based Learning design are still evolving; research is needed on how game designers can best incorporate and assess HOTS.Keywords:
Game-based Learning, Serious Games, Higher-order thinking skills, and game design.
Kevin Jennings
Professional Educator and GBL Researcher
Dr. Kevin Jennings is a 15-year educator and game-based learning researcher. He is most interested in using game-based learning to improve the educational experience. He resided in Charleston, SC, USA.
(LinkedIn): https://www.linkedin.com/in/kevin-jennings-edd-198209a5/

Gaining proficiency in information literacy
Interdisciplinary games for information literacy competenciesSaturday, June 7, 2025⋅5:00 – 6:00pm (ET)We will explore information literacy as an interdisciplinary concept not only important for students to exercise in class, but as vital to the way we interact with the world outside of academia. Encompassing skills, behaviors, and values that shape how we interact with information in the world around us, the Framework for Information Literacy helps us break these hefty concepts into behaviors and dispositions we can ground in real-world context. We will explore these six frames to help attendees identify where their own teaching and disciplinary values intersect with these concepts. Equipped with the knowledge of which frames are most relevant to their instruction, we will next explore ways of introducing these information literacy frames within disciplinary contexts through short, adaptable games. Based on attendee interest, one of these games will be explored in greater depth, with discussion about how participants might adapt these games to fit their own instructional context.Session Keywords:
game-based learning, information literacy, experiential learning
Amber Sewell
Assistant Professor & Teaching and Learning Librarian
University of Nevada, Las Vegas
(Other): https://bsky.app/profile/ambersewell13.bsky.social

Amber Sewell, she/hers, is a Teaching and Learning Librarian at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, where she works primarily with first- and second-year undergraduate students. Her research interests include games for instruction and outreach, information privilege, and fandom. Creator and host of The LibParlor Podcast, she is also interested in podcasting as a means of making scholarship more widely available.

Playing with a Moral Purpose
Using Serious Games to Enhance Moral Leadership and FollowershipSunday, June 8, 2025⋅2:00 – 3:00pm (ET)Serious games (i.e., games that go beyond entertainment and seek educational or social change purposes) can enrich ethics and leadership development by fostering intrinsic motivation and bringing ethics and leadership theories and concepts to life. The presenters have experimented with various gamified exercises, applying popular games to ethics and leadership development in and outside academia or exploring gamification in non-traditional environments. They will share their experiences, lessons learned, challenges, and opportunities. Further, the presenters will discuss the importance of gamification for the Gen Z and Millennial generations and share practical gamification examples (including new exercises and the non-traditional application of existing games and activities) in ethics and leadership education.Session Keywords:
serious games, leadership, ethics, talent development, higher education
Cristina Wildermuth
Associate Professor and Program Director
Barry University

Dr. Cristina Wildermuth is an Associate Professor at Barry University, where she directs undergraduate and master’s programs in Organizational Leadership. Dr. Wildermuth has designed and facilitated leadership, diversity, and ethics development courses at international organizations and universities for over 20 years, using face-to-face, hybrid, and online modalities and extensively using gamification to increase engagement and reflection.(LinkedIn): https://www.linkedin.com/in/criswildermuth/
(Research Gate): https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Cris-Wildermuth
(YouTube): https://www.youtube.com/drcriswildermuth
Dr. Kevin Bottomley
Assistant Professor of Global Leadership
Indiana Tech

Dr. Kevin Bottomley has spent over 25 years in the nonprofit sector, over 20 years in corporate training, and 15 years teaching in higher education. He currently teaches global leadership and research courses at Indiana Tech. Dr. Bottomley is an experienced presenter who has used simulations in corporate training and academic settings, co-authored a book chapter on Virtual Learning Environments (VLEs), and co-presented on Virtual Learning Environments (VLEs). Additionally, he has worked with doctoral students on dissertation committees in the AI/ML and VLE spaces.
Dr. Claire Muselman
Assistant Professor of Practice
Drake University

Dr. Claire Muselman is a keynote speaker and Assistant Professor of Practice at the Zimpleman College of Business at Drake University, where she teaches leadership, human resources, and organizational behavior. She has considerable experience in the insurance industry, and her classes incorporate interactive games and activities related to leadership, communication, change, and workers' compensation topics.
Maggie Wildermuth
Graduate Student
Gallaudet University

Maggie Wildermuth is a fourth-year graduate student at Gallaudet University working on a master’s and PhD in clinical psychology. Her research (and proposed pre-dissertation) focuses on adapting Dungeons and Dragons for therapy with Deaf and Hard of Hearing therapy groups. She has previously presented using games and stories in education for ILA and facilitated virtual continuing education workshops on the value of gamification for the Association for Talent Development (ATD).

Snakes, shakes and shapes:
Gameful experiences for education in classrooms and boardrooms
Teaching complex systems theory through games at the Australian National University School of CyberneticsFriday, June 6, 2025⋅9:00 – 10:00pm (ET)In this interactive session, we will explore the opportunities and challenges presented by three games we designed or adapted to teach complex systems theory in university classrooms and corporate settings. The three gameful learning experiences are: - "Snakes and Smart Elevators", a boardgame which introduces Master students to research ethics; - "Living Loops", a movement-based exercise which communicates the concept of feedback loops; and - "Cybernetic Polygons", a playcentric experience that teaches concepts of leadership in complexity. We will explore the ways these games catalysed learning among participants through (a) generating positive emotions and (b) offering multiple ways into making sense of complexity. Throughout the talk, we will invite participants to play along, contribute their own experiences, and discuss the opportunities for gameful practice in a range of media to help us prepare students to effectively navigate current and future societal transformations.Session Keywords:
Gameful design, Professional development, L&D, Learning & development, Higher education, Experiential learning, Leadership, Complexity, Systems thinking, Sustainable games
Thomas Biedermann
Senior Lecturer & Game Designer
Australian National University School of Cybernetics
Thomas is a Senior Lecturer at the Australian National University (ANU) School of Cybernetics.

He integrates his background in systems engineering and interests in organisational design to research and deploy methods to create safe, sustainable, and responsible systems. His approach draws on cybernetics, visual arts, and playcentric design, to support diverse participants in leading complex societal transformations towards hopeful futures. He has applied these approaches in various contexts and scales, including a Sino-French joint research lab on haematology in Shanghai; the science diplomacy sections of French embassies in the USA and Australia; and the Australian Higher Education sector. Prior to his current academic role, Thomas has served as inaugural manager of the ANU Autonomy, Agency and Assurance Institute, and inaugural program manager for the ANU-wide decarbonisation program, Below Zero. He continues to create impact through cybernetics in classrooms and boardrooms.(LinkedIn): https://www.linkedin.com/in/tbiedermann/

Wait, Am I Doing This Wrong?
The Use and Reception of Student Centric Micro-TTRPGsSaturday, June 7, 2025⋅11:00am – 12:00pm (ET)This presentation will briefly showcase two published student-centric micro-tabletop roleplaying games (TTRPGs); explain their purpose and use case; and explore some of the feedback from students, faculty, and staff who played them. The two published games, a game about attending an academic conference and one about navigating a college semester, offer re-playable and customizable experiences to better understand two academic situations difficult to put into words. Both games conceptualize the balance of ego, interest, challenge, and purpose of the academic situations. This presentation, like the games themselves, will show the power play has on professional development. Attendees will have access to both games to model their own professional development.Session Keywords:
ttrpgs, experiential learning, professional development
Christopher Stuart
Assistant Professor & Game Designer
University of North Carolina Wilmington

Christopher Stuart is an Assistant Professor of Communication Studies at the University of North Carolina Wilmington. His scholarship largely focuses on tabletop roleplaying games and the dynamics of game facilitation and player investment. He has also worked on several microTTRPGs and is currently working on his own TTRPG system.(LinkedIn): https://www.linkedin.com/in/stuartphd/
(Facebook): https://www.facebook.com/christuartgamer/
(Website): https://www.christuart.com

Beyond the Game: GBL to Support Learning
How can game-based learning support your students?Moving students towards creating. Game-based learning provides amazing opportunities for students to learn through play, but the end goal is for students to show their learning through creating. How are we using games in our classrooms to bring this to our students? Come hear about ways educators are using games like Minecraft Education and Fortnite Creative to engage students in the interests their already have. We will look at teacher examples and simple ways educators can bring this into their classroom today. Participants will be provided with a Wakelet of resources as well as a collaborative Wakelet to add their own resources and ideas to share with the group.Session Keywords:
game based learning, experiential learning, minecraft, fortnite, video games, classroom games, education games
Nathan Wells
Sr. Manager of Customer Engagement
i2e Edu

Nathan Wells is a dedicated education professional working at i2eEdu, where he supports schools and ed tech companies with strategic planning and implementation. With over 15 years of experience in creating and delivering impactful professional learning experiences, Nathan has a proven track record of building educational practices through innovation. Previously, he served as an Educational Technology Coordinator in Phoenix, Arizona. Connect with Nathan on social media @edtechwells for insights and updates on the latest in educational technology.(Twitter/X): https://twitter.com/edtechwells
(LinkedIn): https://www.linkedin.com/in/nathan-wells-edtechwells/
(Facebook): https://www.facebook.com/nathanwellsedtech
(Instagram): https://www.instagram.com/edtechwells/
(Website): https://www.i2e-llc.com/
(Other): https://bsky.app/profile/edtechwells.bsky.social

Business Thinking by DOMINO Business Game
To review and learn 6 subjects of Business into 1 game such as Strategic Management, Performance Management, Marketing Management, Innovation Management, Financial Management, Team ManagementI have been designing this game for 10 years, my first and most-used Business Game by playing DOMINO Building Game. I saw our children play DOMINO to bring them to building and I push my Business Subject in MBA into them. I ask our player and learner to our game, and they said that DOMINO Business Game help them to understand the relationship between many many subject in business such as Strategic Management, Performance Management, Marketing Management, Innovation Management, Financial Management, Team Management. That is the first events for me to designed DOMINO Model into these game.Session Keywords:
Business Game, Activity Based Learning, Game Based Learning, Corporate, Business, Simulations
Dr. Nipat Chaiworramukkun
Business Consultant & Game based trainer & Facillitator
Organization Development (OD) Consultant Trainer Coach and Facilitator
Strategic Performance Management Consultant & Game-based Trainer in Bangkok, Thailand.

(LinkedIn): https://www.linkedin.com/in/abcclub/
(Facebook): https://www.facebook.com/GameLabTH/
(YouTube): https://www.youtube.com/@ABCCLUBTH
(Website): https://www.clubpattana.com

College Students Gaming
Integrating Game Studies into First-Year Academic ProgrammingThis session will provide an overview of how game studies can be integrated into a first-year experience academic course. Through the course, students explore the field of game studies through hands-on exploration of different gaming genres, practice academic writing, and explore campus and community organizations. By incorporating interdisciplinary knowledge from fields such as cultural studies, media studies, education, and technology studies, students will gain a comprehensive understanding of both the academic and real-world implications of game studies. Ultimately, this presentation aims to provide attendees with an overview of how we can situate game studies to enhance students' academic development and prepare them for further exploration.Session Keywords:
game studies, first-year engagement, college navigation, gamification
Andrew Blick
Instructor and Director of Programs, Planning, and Design
Western Washington University, Bellingham, WA, USA

Andrew Blick is the Director of Programs, Planning, and Design for Outreach and Continuing Education (OCE) and is the advisor for the TESOL Program. He oversees WesternOnline, Summer Session, Western's Dual Enrollment Programs, and manages planning and assessment for OCE programs. He has published and presented on areas related to assessment in education, instructional design, program development, and new media rhetoric. He holds a Ph.D. in Technical Communication and Rhetoric (TTU), a M.Ed. in Adult Education (WWU), a B.A. in Spanish and Linguistics (WWU), and certificates in Teaching Technical Communication (TTU), Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (WWU), and Bilingual Education (WWU).

Game-Based Language Learning
A Case Study on the Impact of LangLov Game Cards on English Proficiency in French-Speaking Learners
This study examines the effectiveness of LangLov Game Cards, a hybrid tool combining card-based learning with audio recordings, in improving English skills among French-speaking learners. Using a mixed-methods case study involving tests, interviews, and surveys, the research evaluates LangLov's impact on reading, speaking, and listening skills. We expect preliminary findings to suggest significant improvements, with LangLov users achieving a 30% average increase in test scores versus 15% in the control group. LangLov fosters motivation and engagement by creating a dynamic, anxiety-free learning environment. It outperforms traditional methods in enhancing pronunciation, vocabulary retention, and conversational skills. This study underscores LangLov's potential to address language learning challenges for French speakers and calls for further research on its long-term effects and integration of advanced language skills, contributing to comprehensive game-based learning tools.Session Keywords:
Game-Based Language Learning, LangLov Game Cards, English skills, French-speaking learners
Arsene Yades
Economist and Project Manager Game-based Learning Designer Founder and CEO of SEEDAY Lab

Arsene Yades is an entrepreneur with a strong background in economics and business administration with several years of experience working as a project manager for various organizations. Arsene is the founder and CEO of Sustainable Education & Empowerment for Development Lab (SEEDAY Lab). SEEDAY Lab is a company dedicated to innovative Game-Based Learning solutions. As founder of SEEDAY Lab, Arsene brings his expertise in business development, strategic planning, and project management. His role involves overseeing the overall vision and strategy of the company, ensuring that LangLov Game Cards, one of the flagship product aligns with market needs and educational standards. Arsene also focuses on forging strategic partnerships, securing funding, and guiding the team towards achieving their goals. His leadership and innovative approach are key to driving LangLov's growth and success in the language learning market.(LinkedIn): https://www.linkedin.com/in/ars%C3%A8ne-jean-de-dieu-yades-35b18aa0/
(Facebook): https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100091371613608
(YouTube): https://www.youtube.com/@arseneyades8677

Gaming as a Mentoring Practice
How Mentors and Proteges can Find One Another (and Have Fun Doing it!)
Workplace mentoring is a proven technique for promoting greater identification with an organization's values and increasing a professional's desire to remain with their organization. However, some workplaces struggle to create meaningful "mentoring spaces" where potential mentors and proteges can get a better sense of each other. This talk will briefly talk about the fundamentals of workplace mentoring and then move into how games can be used to promote mentoring practice in organizations. Ray will provide some specific games and game categories that organizations can implement at low cost to improve their mentoring opportunities.Session Keywords:
workplace mentoring, organizational gaming, professional development, game-based learning
Raymond Kimball
Founder and CEO
42 Educational Games Coaching and Design

Dr. Ray Kimball is the Founder and CEO of 42 Educational Games Coaching and Design (42EdGames), a service that helps higher ed faculty integrate game-based learning into their classrooms. Prior to founding 42EdGames, he served as a U.S. Army Officer for 26 years, serving on four continents and in three combat zones. He is the author of The Guides to Army Mentoring series, a collection of best practices in workplace mentoring from diverse Army leaders. He is the co-author of Eyeball to Eyeball, 1962: The Cuban Missile Crisis, and a co-editor of Teaching and Learning the West Point Way and Charles Darwin, the Copley Medal, and the Rise of Naturalism, 1862–1864 (Second Edition). He served for 10 years as a faculty member at the U.S. Military Academy, reaching the academic rank of Associate Professor. He holds a Doctorate of Education in Learning Technologies from Pepperdine University and Masters Degrees from Stanford University and the U.S. Army War College.(Twitter/X): https://twitter.com/42edgames
(LinkedIn): https://www.linkedin.com/company/74895861/
(Facebook): https://www.facebook.com/42edgames
(Instagram): https://www.instagram.com/42edgames/
(Website): https://42ed.games/
(Other): https://bsky.app/profile/42edgames.bsky.social

GBL at Schools - Dream (Not) Come True
School Requirements & Teachers' Involvement vs GBL in Practical Terms
What does it mean to base learning on games? This simple question generates a cascade of answers with their own torrent of consequences. On the one hand, teachers need to learn to play games, adapt them to students’ needs, prepare necessary game elements for lessons, and host games as part of the education process. On the other hand, teachers do not exist in a vacuum. Their activities must align with selected approaches, school syllabi, national curricula, etc. However, there is a higher, industrial level. Games used in GBL are produced by profit-oriented private companies. Why would game developers allow teachers to buy their games only once, and then play them with hundreds of students without paying royalties? In this presentation, the level of the teacher (individual), and the level of the school (institution) will be discussed in detail. Various solutions will be offered as a takeaway to participants, who will also become the source of examples and opinions.Session Keywords:
GBL, digital games, analogue games, adapting games, teacher training, curriculum design, syllabus design, learning outcomes, Test-Teach-Test
Mikolaj Sobocinski
senior instructor
American University of the Middle East

Mikolaj Sobocinski has 20+ years of experience in education & research. He published several articles on linguistics, education, and gamification after attending 80+ conferences and events. His education interests range from designing and running courses in academic writing, communication and presentations, linguistics, descriptive grammar, phonetics, game design, and gamification. He studied semiotics and pragmatics, and the influence between space, proxemics, and interactions. In the last two decades he has been introducing commercial games and adapting games for his courses. He also prepared gamified solutions for his courses and those taught by other school and university teachers. Currently, he resides in the Middle East, where he develops his teaching and organisation skills as well as his gamification and game-based learning portfolio.(LinkedIn): https://www.linkedin.com/in/mikolajsobocinski/
(Research Gate): https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Mikolaj-Sobocinski-2
(Facebook): https://www.facebook.com/mikolaj.sobocinski
(Instagram): https://www.instagram.com/mikolajsobocinski/
(Other): https://www.games4teachers.net/blog/

If Your LMS Were a Game, in What Ways Would It Be Broken?
Patterning LMS Gamification After Mario Bros.
When defining gameful design, Sebastian Deterding suggested that we ask ourselves, “If this design were a game, in what ways would it be broken?” This presentation will then examine the highly successful Mario Bros. series of games and highlight the elements that help to make it so successful. We will then see how these elements could be incorporated into a learning management system to support meaningful gamification without undermining our learning objectives or trivializing the subject matter. We conclude by outlining key requirements for a well-designed gamified learning management system.
Session Keywords:
gamification, instructional design, learning management system, gameful design
Katrin Becker
Mount Royal University

Katrin is an award winning, internationally known expert in the design & analysis of serious games and gamification in the classroom. She holds 2 computer science degrees and a PhD in educational technology. She’s a certified instructional designer with a graduate certificate in serious game design and research. She has over 40 years of teaching experience and has taught computer science (CS) video game design, digital game-based learning (DGBL) and technical writing. Her teaching innovations are widely recognized and she has many publications, including 4 books: Gamification 101: How to Bring Joy Back to Learning By Making Your Classroom Gameful The Guide to Computer Simulations and Games Choosing and Using Digital Games in the Classroom – A Practical Guide Reni: A Memoir Finally, to counterbalance a very digital life, she runs a small farm where she has been raising rabbits, waterfowl and other animals for over thirty years. This accounts for the occasional bit of poo on her shoe.(LinkedIn): http://www.linkedin.com/in/katrinbecker
(Research Gate): https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Katrin-Becker-3
(Facebook): https://www.facebook.com/katrin.becker
(YouTube): https://www.youtube.com/@MinkHollowStudio/featured
(Website): https://drkatrinbecker.com

Lemons to Lemonade
Dynamic interactive board game promotes turning obstacles to opportunities through “out of the box” thinking, teamwork, vicarious learning, practical strategies. 2 versions: Adult; Kids and Families
Contemporary overuse of protocols and algorithms can hinder learning effective problem-solving by adults and kids, leading to learned helplessness. Lemons to Lemonade (L2L) is a fun, interactive board game with two versions: Kids and Families and Adult. The Kids and Families version is ideal for schools, after-school programs, or home use, while the Adult version suits social or corporate events, like strategic planning warmups. In this session, participants will learn to play L2L and explore its practical applications to their own work. Players draw cards describing frustrating, embarrassing, or crazy events and compete to call out maximum positive outcomes within 60 seconds. Teams earn "ingredients"—water, lemons, or sugar—for their lemonade. The team that turns the most lemons into lemonade wins. L2L players strengthen innovative, practical, “out of the box” thinking, vicarious learning and teamwork.Session Keywords:
gamified learning, resilience, team work, innovative outcomes, cope with adversity
Carroll Cradock
Game Designer & Psychologist
CAC Counseling Group LLC

As a psychologist and game designer, Carroll Cradock has always focused on innovation, resilience and adaptive coping with adversity. She works across the lifespan (adults, children and teens) within several cultural and language groups. Practical, visionary innovation has marked her career in program development, leadership in higher education and medical centers and in clinical practice. She held senior leadership positions at major medical centers in Chicago, taught and consulted in Lima, Peru, is Honorary Faculty at Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas and former President of the Chicago Campus of the Chicago School of Professional Psychology. Her book, TALK, SEE, AND DO: Manual for Integration of Visuals with Talk Therapy will be published in 2025. She co-designed Lemons to Lemonade with psychologist Julie Cradock O’Leary of Anchorage, Alaska. Her next game will focus on shoes as a tool to learn empathy.(LinkedIn): https://www.linkedin.com/in/carrollcradock/
(Research Gate): https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Carroll-Cradock
(Facebook): https://www.facebook.com/carroll.cradock.9
(Website): https://www.counselingadultsadolescentschildren.com/
(Other): https://bsky.app/profile/down2up.bsky.social

Level Up Learning: Game-Based Education with Minecraft and AI
Quickly create dynamic lessons in Minecraft Education without having to know it all!
Discover how to transform your classroom with game-based learning using Minecraft Education and the AI Build Challenge Lesson Creator. This session will provide practical strategies, research-backed benefits, and hands-on activities to engage students and enhance learning outcomes.Session Keywords:
game based learning, minecraft, classroom gaming, AI, artificial intelligence, lesson planning, experiential learning, video games, gaming
Nathan Wells
Sr. Manager of Customer Engagement

Nathan Wells is a dedicated education professional working at i2eEdu, where he supports schools and ed tech companies with strategic planning and implementation. With over 15 years of experience in creating and delivering impactful professional learning experiences, Nathan has a proven track record of building educational practices through innovation. Previously, he served as an Educational Technology Coordinator in Phoenix, Arizona. Connect with Nathan on social media @edtechwells for insights and updates on the latest in educational technology.(Twitter/X): https://twitter.com/edtechwells
(LinkedIn): https://www.linkedin.com/in/nathan-wells-edtechwells/
(Facebook): https://www.facebook.com/nathanwellsedtech
(Instagram): https://www.instagram.com/edtechwells/
(Website): https://www.i2e-llc.com/
(Other): https://bsky.app/profile/edtechwells.bsky.social

Play, Learn, Create!
Using Game Design Principles to Transform Education
Competing with video games for your student’s attention? Learn to create the digital adventures they crave while accomplishing your curriculum goals. From Google Slides to Scratch and Twine creating engaging digital games is accessible to all levels of comfort with technology and can be used to enhance classroom engagement and support 21st century skills.Session Keywords:
Game-based learning, Twine, Scratch, Slides, narrative design and education
Mary-Ellen Fimbel
Game Design & Innovative Educator
Evelyn Scott School, ACT, Australia

Mary Eleanora (Mary-Ellen) Fimbel is an accomplished Educator with experience teaching Music and Technology in elementary schools in Texas and Australia, as well as online to students all over the world. As an innovative thinker Mary-Ellen created over 100 game-based learning experiences for EdTech companies and has presented a variety of workshops virtually for educators focused on learner-centered education. In 2020, she led an in-person workshop at the TCEA 2020 convention on creating interdisciplinary board game projects with TinkerCAD. Recently, Mary-Ellen Fimbel has leveraged her passion for music and experience in education, fused them with her love of technology to create a suite of games that support the development of musical skills by augmenting the Elementary School Music room experience into the digital space. When she isn't teaching or developing games, Mary-Ellen loves spending time with her family and traveling the world.

Press 1 to Play
Creating Interactive Voice Response (IVR) Math Games for Families in Rwanda
As game designers, we make assumptions about what technologies are available. Things like smart phones with inexpensive Internet access make it easy to deliver digital games to learners at home. But what happens in low-resource environments when the technology platform is a standard phone with access to an Interactive Voice Response system? During this presentation, you will learn from our experiences in creating two iterations of the Math Power! Explorer initiative, led by the mEducation Alliance and funded by Cisco Systems, with the goal of bringing math concepts to Rwandan children and their families. We will take you on our journey of creating these games, testing them locally, working with the ministry of Education, deploying the games, and monitoring the results. You will come away with a better idea of the challenges of creating and deploying games in low-resource environments.Session Keywords:
Narrative games, Interactive Voice Response, Math games, Games for families, Low-resource settings
Scott Nicholson
Professor & Game Designer
Wilfrid Laurier University

Dr. Scott Nicholson is Professor and Director of the Game Design and Development program at Wilfrid Laurier University in Brantford, Ontario, Canada. He creates analog games and escape rooms designed around real-world learning outcomes, and was the lead author of the book Unlocking the Potential of Puzzle-Based Learning: Designing Escape Rooms and Games for the Classroom. Most recently, he worked with the mEducation Alliance to develop EscapeIF, a system to allow teachers in low-resource classrooms to use storytelling games requiring only a script, a blackboard, and found objects.(Twitter/X): https://x.com/snicholson
(LinkedIn): https://www.linkedin.com/in/scottrnicholson/
(Research Gate): https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Scott-Nicholson-2
(Facebook): https://www.facebook.com/professor.scott.nicholson
(YouTube): https://www.youtube.com/@ScottNicholson
(Website): http://scottnicholson.com
(Other): http://becauseplaymatters.com

The Learning Arcade
The Digital Learning Game Database Initiative
We will explore the Digital Learning Game Database, an innovative resource designed to support K-12 educators in identifying and integrating high-quality digital games aligned with many diverse learning objectives. Attendees will learn about the database's development process, including game evaluation, curriculum mapping, and collaborative curation. With game-based learning on the rise, this resource is vital to meet educators' needs for accessible, reliable, and effective tools that enhance student engagement and achievement. By attending, participants will gain access to this free resource and learn how to add potential games to the collection.Session Keywords:
digital games, K-12, participatory, open educational resource
Ryan Schaaf
Associate Professor of Educational Technology
Notre Dame of Maryland University, Baltimore, MD, USA

Dr. Ryan L. Schaaf is an associate professor of educational technology at Notre Dame of Maryland University and faculty at Johns Hopkins University. He was recently selected as the inaugural 2023 Outstanding Higher Education Award winner by the Maryland Society for Educational Technology for advancing excellence in teaching and leading with technology. He was previously nominated for Maryland Teacher of the Year and received the Dr. Hickey Award for technology leadership. He is the author of seven books involving digital-age learning and assessment. His text, Reinventing Learning for the Always-On Generation, received an IPPY Award for its contributions as a resource for educators. Ryan’s research interests include online and blended learning, digital game-based learning, educational reform, learning design, and learner agency. In his spare time, Ryan is a K-12 substitute teacher, workshop facilitator, and consultant.(Twitter/X): https://x.com/ryanlschaaf
(LinkedIn): https://www.linkedin.com/in/ryanlschaaf/
(Facebook): https://www.facebook.com/ProfRyanLSchaaf
(Instagram): https://www.instagram.com/ryanlschaaf/
(Website): https://www.ryanschaaf.com/

The Spectrum of Gameness
Defining and Understanding Everything from Game to Simulation (and Things In Between)
Ever been stumped at the difference between gamification and a game? What about a simulation? What makes these unique? How about games-based learning? Serious games? Gameful learning? How are all these related, but different from one another? Try your hand at plotting items on the Spectrum of Gameness before a debrief with Professor Jim Egan & learning designer Naomi Pariseault. They will go through definitions and explanations of each high level category plus look at specific examples. This session features: - The Spectrum of Gameness which contains 13 of the most common categories related to games (plotted from Realness to Gameness) - Over 20 examples of items that fall on the spectrumSession Keywords:
definitions, games, gamification, games-based learning, games for learning, serious games, simulations, AR/VR, role playing, gameful learning, narratives, role playing games, puzzles, toys
Naomi Pariseault
Senior Learning Designer & Gamification Mastercraftsman
Brown University, Providence, RI, USA

As a senior learning designer in Digital Learning & Design at Brown University, Naomi considers her role to be best articulated as a learning engineer and experience designer. She believes that learning is a multifaceted experience (engaging, inspiring, challenging, etc.) and should serve as a catalyst for reflection, change, and appreciation of our world. She is a certified Master Craftsman in gamification design for learning and has earned the Level 1, 2, and 3 Certifications from Sententia Gamification. She is also a certified facilitator for teaching the Level 1 Certification Program. Gamification design is by far her most favorite approach of learning design. One of the Brown University undergraduate courses she designed with Professor Jim Egan, "Fantastic Places, Unhuman Humans," won two international awards for excellence in gamification design. Naomi holds an M.A. in English Literature and a Master in Library and Information Studies (MLIS) from the University of Rhode Island.(Twitter/X): https://x.com/elearngeekette
(LinkedIn): https://www.linkedin.com/in/naomi-pariseault/
(Instagram): https://www.instagram.com/elearngeekette/
(Website): https://www.brown.edu/sheridan/people/naomi-pariseault
Jim Egan
Professor of English & Gamification Mastercraftsman
Brown University, Providence, RI, USA

Jim Egan is Professor of English at Brown University. He teaches courses on US literature before the United States, good and evil, literature and social media, as well as several gamified asynchronous online-only courses such as “Renegades, Reprobates, and Castaways” and “Fantastic Places, Unhuman Humans.” He is the author of Oriental Shadows: The Presence of the East in Early American Literature (2011) and Authorizing Experience: Refigurations of the Body Politic in Seventeenth-Century New England Writing (1999) as well as numerous essays and works of fiction.(LinkedIn): https://www.linkedin.com/in/jim-egan-a814b324/
(Website): https://vivo.brown.edu/display/jegan

To cohere, or not to cohere? What is the message?
Intentional use of (in)coherence between fundamental game elements
What makes for a poorly aligned game experience? Imagine a sombre doctor simulation paired with playful animal graphics, or a corporate strategy trivia game featuring stock photos and harpsichord music. These examples highlight the importance of coherence—or deliberate incoherence—across all elements of game design, especially in serious games. This session delves into the game elements framework, using an example to illustrate how these components work together to create a meaningful, abstract game. It emphasizes thoughtful design choices and strategies for effective player onboarding.Session Keywords:
serious game design, coherence, game elements, narrative, aesthetics, mechanics, medium
Richard Durham
Game and Play Designer, and Lecturer
University of Auckland, and Wondertree Studio

Rich has over 20 years of experience integrating playful design into educational curricula and learning strategies. With a Master’s in Curriculum and Instruction, he has designed 30+ games across live events, museum exhibits, and digital platforms, focusing on transformational games for social good and education. An active member of the Game Artisans of NZ and former Board Game Designers Forum administrator, he has shaped New Zealand’s tabletop design community. A regular international speaker, his research explores human interaction in playful environments to advance game-based learning.(LinkedIn): https://www.linkedin.com/in/richdurham/
(Research Gate): https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Richard-Durham

Unlocking Learning: Enhancing Teamwork and Engagement
Using a Digital Escape Room in Higher Education
Interactive escape rooms provide a dynamic platform for developing teamwork skills. This paper explores the design, implementation, and impact of a digital escape room used in a University of Melbourne subject. Created to support rapid team formation and collaboration, the escape room engages students in solving puzzles under time constraints, promoting adaptability and team focus. It addresses the logistical limits of physical escape rooms by incorporating scalable and accessible tools. The activity aligns with key teamwork behaviours and uses structured critical reflection to deepen learning. This study offers insights into leveraging game-based learning to enhance teamwork in work-integrated learning contexts, showcasing digital escape rooms as a cost-effective tool for fosteringSession Keywords:
gamified learning, gamification, serious games, simulations, experiential learning, escape rooms, Higher Education
Michael 'Maxx' Schmitz
Lecturer and Curriculum Designer
University of Melbourne

With nearly two decades of experience as an academic, curriculum designer, and researcher, I am dedicated to creating dynamic learning environments that merge academic theory with practical application. My work focuses on integrating game-based learning, especially in history and work integrated learning education, to enhance engagement and critical thinking while fostering employability skills. I aim to help students connect arts and humanities education to their future careers. As a historian and author, my research examines multicausal theories of Roman annexation, exploring the interplay of geopolitical, economic, and cultural factors. Recent projects include leveraging wargaming and serious games as pedagogical tools and designing an online escape room to develop and assess teamwork skills. I am passionate about collaborating with like-minded professionals to explore innovative ways to combine research, teaching, and creative learning design.(Twitter/X): https://x.com/ImperatorMaxx
(LinkedIn): https://www.linkedin.com/in/michael-maxx-schmitz-430783319/
(Other): https://bsky.app/profile/imperatormaxx.bsky.social

When Better is the Enemy of Good
What is Good Gamification in Learning Management Systems?
Gamification is far more than PBL: Points, Badges, and Leaderboards. It is defined as the use of game design elements in a non-game context. The elements and systems that support games include obvious ones like PBL, narratives, score-keeping, and entertaining visuals, but good games also include things that enable approaches and actions that are harder to identify such as agency, attunement, support towards mastery, allowances for benign transgression, and the freedom to look at things differently. This presentation will look at some of these less obvious game design elements and consider how they can be supported by the design of the learning management system. We will also look at whether more bells and whistles (and badges) really support better gamification, or if perhaps a simpler design might be good.Session Keywords:
gamification, instructional design, learning management system, gameful design
Katrin Becker
Instructional Designer & Systems Analyst
Mount Royal University, Calgary, Alberta, Canada

Katrin Becker
Instructional Designer & Systems Analyst
Mount Royal University, Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Katrin is an award winning, internationally known expert in the design & analysis of serious games and gamification in the classroom. She holds 2 computer science degrees and a PhD in educational technology. She’s a certified instructional designer with a graduate certificate in serious game design and research. She has over 40 years of teaching experience and has taught computer science (CS) video game design, digital game-based learning (DGBL) and technical writing. Her teaching innovations have been widely recognized and she has many publications, including 4 books: Gamification 101: How to Bring Joy Back to Learning By Making Your Classroom Gameful The Guide to Computer Simulations and Games Choosing and Using Digital Games in the Classroom – A Practical Guide Reni: A Memoir Finally, to balance a very digital life, she runs a small farm where she has been raising rabbits, waterfowl and other animals for over thirty years. This accounts for the occasional bit of poo on her shoe.(LinkedIn): http://www.linkedin.com/in/katrinbecker
(Research Gate): https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Katrin-Becker-3
(Facebook): https://www.facebook.com/katrin.becker
(YouTube): https://www.youtube.com/@MinkHollowStudio/featured
(Website): https://drkatrinbecker.com

Who Knows Whodunnit?
Narrative Power in Carved from Brindlewood Games
Mystery scenarios have been a mainstay of tabletop roleplaying games since at least the release of The Call of Cthulhu (Chaosium) in 1981 and the narrative power has always remained squarely in domain of the game-master/author to create and for the players to solve. This has changed with the innovative design of the Carved from Brindlewood system, beginning with the cosy mysteries of Brindlewood Bay (Gauntlet Publishing, 2022) which inverts the relationship and distributes the responsibility for the solution among the players. This innovation holds intriguing possibilities for learning design with the potential to move away from hierarchical concepts of central didactic power via a mechanical system that enables learners to negotiate scenarios and shape outcomes. Applied in a learning environment this would reduce preparation time for educators and foster more dynamic and engagement experiences for students.Session Keywords:
RPGs, tabletop roleplaying games, narrative power, authorial power, collaborative learning design
Scott Beattie
Associate Professor
CQ University

Scott is a lawyer and criminologist who has spent his research career exploring regulation as the junction between everyday reality and codified systems of social meaning. This led naturally to the use of games and simulations as tools for understanding and teaching how the law operates. Scott has designed both electronic and tabletop game systems for use in the classroom and in the facilitation of group problem solving. He is currently developing a model of ‘challenge’ based learning that builds student engagement via elements of game based learning, simulation, reflection, problem based learning and connectivism. He is an Associate Professor and the Head of Criminology Courses at CQ University, based in Melbourne, Australia.(LinkedIn): https://www.linkedin.com/in/dr-scott-beattie/
(Research Gate): https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Scott_Beattie
(YouTube): https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDwsoZ_cxIYZEr4Z0ZsljUg
Dave Eng, EdD
[email protected]